Sunday 15 February 2009

Sod Palestine Burden. What about your own Gaza?

Yesterday, myself and several other Birmingham Conservatives were campaigning in the constituency of Birmingham Northfield.  To those who don't know Birmingham, Northfield is where the world famous Longbridge car plant once stood.

The local Member of Parliament is none other than Richard Burden, a fairly unspectacular and ineffective MP who has spent his time focusing most of his attention on a problem thousands of miles away from Northfield, both in terms of geography and in the imagination and conciousness of his constituents...Palestine.

The BBC is reporting that Burden, in his role as Chairman of the Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary is heading up a delegation hoping to be allowed entry into Gaza by those nasty Israelis.

However, after visiting a part of his constituency they call West Heath, I believe that Burden needs to concentrate on his day job and take a look at the crime and social problems his government has created.  Vandalised shops and pubs, gardens full of dumped rubbish, a high proportion of young people not in education or training, long-term unemployment, in short a place where the only progressive thing happening is the refurbishment to the area's council housing stock - paid for out the resources of the Conservative council.

West Heath's population are the people that Labour has ignored and forgotten about, until that is they need their vote.

Burden has let the people of Northfield down, he should spending his time campaigning for an improvement to their lives, yet the only thing that energises him are the plights of people who don't vote for him and who don't pay his wages.

This man epitomises all that is wrong with British politics.

Click this link to see how Palestine is high on Burden's list of priorities.

Burden's Middle East

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